Le French Design 100 Award

Le French Design 100 Award, the only design prize in France that honours the international actions of its designers, has undertaken the mission of selecting 100 objects & spatial design projects that help spread French design around the world.

In 2019, the first edition of the prize supported by the French Ministry of Culture and by Philippe Starck, was held at the Musée des Arts Decoratifs in Paris.

On January 20th, 2022, this second edition, placed under the High Patronage of Mr Emmanuel MACRON, President of the French Republic, was officially launched during a reception held at the Elysée Palace.

Among hundreds of candidates, an international jury selected the projects that excelled the most in diffusing the spirit and values of French design throughout the world. Led by jury president Hervé Lemoine, director of Mobilier national, the jury includes a prestigious selection of international experts.


Le FRENCH DESIGN 100 Festival

From January 20th, Le FRENCH DESIGN 100 will hold a digital Festival. The names of the winners will gradually be revealed by Le FRENCH DESIGN ambassadors: museums and international cultural establishments, members of the jury, our sponsor, our guest of honour as well as the thanks to the precious support of the Elysée Palace (the French president’s office). 

Le FRENCH DESIGN 100 FESTIVAL will be the spearhead for this new edition, intended to help global players in the industry discover or acknowledge the quality work of French designs. Exclusive and never-before-seen videos from the 100 designers will also animate this month of “revelations”. 

To help visualize some of Le FRENCH DESIGN 100 spatial design winning projects around the world, the Le FRENCH DESIGN WORLD MAP will offer a dedicated filter. This tool will help measure the role and impact of French design on the international scene by referencing the entire profession and its actions (design projects, designers, brands, institutions, editors, special events) around the world.


Supporting And Celebrating Le French Design: A Necessity

In 1990, Jacques Attali predicted that creation, the only reasonable substitute to violence” will soon appear as “a necessary social activity, a useful work and no longer just a leisure activity.” The period in which this second edition of Le FRENCH DESIGN 100 prize is inscribed clearly shows that the economist was right: it is more than ever necessary “to make creation an ambition and impose invention as a requirement since they are once again a necessity.” 


In the tumult of today’s disrupted world, each of the 100 winning projects are coherent and also prove that the ordeals we have recently gone through have been an opportunity to show ourselves that we can be even more creative, that geographical distances are not insurmountable and that, as always, cultural differences enrich collaborations as well as our heritage. 


List of the 100

Broken down in 20 categories, the projects are not ranked but rather intended to establish a current panorama of the diverse profiles and projects that help French design radiate around the world. Despite the health crisis, they boldly hoist the banner of French design’s intrinsic values, reinforcing not just its presence but its influence. Discover the winners here.

These object and interior design projects are showing a Design perspective on sustainable innovation, show proof of balance, are displayed with panache, never lack audacity, underline the synergy between creativity and industry, are placed under the sign of cultural openness, celebrate a French-style art de vivre, are proof of an exceptional savoir-faire, help sustain a rich heritage and shine thanks to their elegance and an ultimate, inimitable touch of luxury that cannot be dissociated from French design. 

Jury Members

From left to right: Elodie Palasse-Leroux, Gunjan Gupta, Cyril Zammit, Bernard Reybier (President of VIA-Le French Design), Christopher Turner, Jasmine Abdellatif Starck, Brigitte Macron, President Emmanuel Macron, Philippe Starck, Hervé Lemoine and Hugo Pontoriero.

  • 1. Hervé Lemoine: Président du Jury. Directeur, Mobilier national, PARIS 

  • 2. Lisa Cahill: CEO & Artistic Director, Australian Design Centre, SYDNEY 

  • 3. David Cameo: Former CEO, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, PARIS 

  • 4. Tomas Diez: Design Curator, Writer, Lecturer, Consultant Asia & Europe, Fab City, Fab Lab Barcelona, IAAC, BARCELONA 

  • 5. Jennifer Flay: Artistic Director, FIAC, PARIS

  • 6. Gunjan Gupta: Designer, NEW DELHI 

  • 7. Dakota Jackson: Designer and Editor, House of Dakota Jackson, NEW YORK 

  • 8. Sang Unn Jeon: Director, Platform-L, SEOUL 

  • 9. Miryon Ko: Art & Culture Director, Cartier Japan, TOKYO 

  • 10. Cherine Magrabi: President and founder, House of Today, BEIRUT

  • 11. Matilda Mc Quaid: Acting Curatorial Director, Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, NY

  • 12. Elodie Palasse-Leroux: Design Writer, Curator and Lecturer. Founder, Sleek Design Consulting, SINGAPORE 

  • 13. Hugo Pontoriero: Curator, Museo Nacional de Arte Decorativo, BUENOS AIRES

  • 14. Deyan Sudjic: Director Emeritus, Design Museum, LONDON 

  • 15. Christopher Turner: Keeper of Graphic Art and Design, Photography & Architecture, V&A, LONDON

  • 16. Leila Anna Wahba: Interim Executive Director & Chief Curator, Architecture + Design Museum, LA

  • 17. Cyril Zammit: Design Advisor and Consultant, DUBAI 

PHILIPPE STARCKGuest of honor for the event 

Watch Philippe Starck’s statement here.

The French spirit is based on strictness and a critical eye. We appreciate quality, truth and creativity, a cocktail that is toxic yet positive. How can we export French design around the world? It is necessary to respect two parameters: that designers, authors and creators remind themselves of their social, humanistic and ecological role and that they forget fashion. Fashion is no longer an industry. Today, it is necessary to return to the true values of each trade. We are in an extremely good position, partly because of who we are, but also in relation to what we could be if we made a small effort.
— Philippe Starck


The Muxarabi House


MH142, Moët Hennessy’s new HQ: a serene contemporary homage to Art Déco