‘Hello Denmark’ Exhibition

If you have the chance to travel this Summer, and to be in Copenhagen, do not miss the Danish Architecture Center for several reasons… 

The very first reason to visit the Danish Architecture Center (DAC) is its building.

Since 2018, DAC’s home is the BLOX, the iconic new building on Copenhagen’s waterfront funded by Realdania. BLOX was designed Dutch architectural firm OMA, with architect Ellen Van Loon heading the project. The building was designed especially for Danish Architecture Center, which is centrally situated and equipped with attractive and spacious exhibition rooms, an auditorium, conference and teaching facilities, and a rooftop café whose large terraces offer scenic views of the harbour and Slotsholmen. BLOX is designed and constructed as a city within the city connecting Copenhagen’s waterfront to the heart of the city. 

The second reason is motivated by the excellence of the exhibitions and public programme conceived by DAC.

Hello Denmark

The exhibition is a tribute to the architecture and design of the country and the visitor explores what has made Denmark and Copenhagen popular throughout the world: a good everyday life.

The Danish Architecture Center selected Tinker Imagineers to co-design an exhibition about Danish architecture. Tinker developed the concept and design that uses Danish everyday life as a way to understand Danish architecture and the significant role it plays in enhancing the quality of life.

Six fundamentals unfold the story of Danish life

Denmark is often cited in international contexts as a role model when it comes to creating optimal living conditions for the population. It has been elected the world’s happiest country several times. But what are the ingredients in the Danish people’s coveted recipe for the good life?

In this exhibition, the visitor will experience six installations, each representing an element from the everyday life the Danes value so highly that influence how they build, reside, and live. It is about a close relationship to nature, the trust upon which the society is built, the insistence on ‘hygge’, the unique bicycle culture, the design-infused society, and the need to live near water (video above).

In white frames, a stark contrast to the dark space around them, key Danish objects are presented. In combination with animations and infographics, they explain where these typical Danish values come from.

The design makes full use of the transparency of the glass and steel BLOX building (OMA Architects), by creating interactions across its façade to connect the inside with the outside inviting the visitors to come in and see the exhibition. The Hello Denmark exhibition is located in DAC’s Golden Gallery.

The exhibition will be on show until October 18, 2020.

Pictures by Kontraframe / Danish Architecture Center.


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