A personal review of design creations

#Landmark - Eglise St Joseph in Le Havre
Here’s an indisputable but rather unknown landmark in France: the Saint Joseph’s Church in Le Havre, France.

#WoodWeek - Oikumene Church
“Wood is universally beautiful to man. It is the most humanly intimate of all materials”. This essential fact by Frank Lloyd Wright captures how intense this relationship is between humans and wood in architecture. It is the reason of our new special week dedicated to wood.
Day 1 – Oikumene Church, Sajau, Indonesia.

#ConcreteWeek - Basilica Sanctuary of Our Lady of Tears
In Sicily, the island of Gods, one is more used to see Greek temples and heavy baroque churches… except for this one in the centre of Syracuse…
Day 4: Basilica Sanctuary of Our Lady of Tears, Italy.

#RamadanSeries – The Abrahamic Family House
The last post for the 2020 Ramadan Series, we look towards the future with an interfaith complex unveiled in September 2019…
Season 2 - Episode 4: The Abrahamic Family House